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Coaching and Consultation
Welcome to a space where healing is the focus, and resilience is celebrated. Trauma recovery is a unique journey for everyone. If you’re reading this, please know that you’re not alone. Let’s explore some insights, practical tips, and encouragement to support you on your path to healing. Understanding Trauma: Trauma manifests in various forms and […]
When I began nonprofit coaching 18 years ago, I had no idea how transformative the journey would be—not only for the organizations I would work with but also for myself. Over nearly two decades of coaching leaders, working with boards, strategizing with passionate teams, and learning from the challenges of nonprofits, I’ve accumulated these nonprofit […]
Experiencing trauma can have a profound impact on your ability to balance your workload and responsibilities. Traumatic experiences often leave you with a constant sense of needing to do more to prove your worth. Generally, this can lead to a pattern of overdoing, where you push yourself beyond your limits and take on an excessive […]
Understanding and addressing trauma is crucial for creating a compassionate and healing society. Trauma can affect individuals from all walks of life, often leaving deep emotional scars that impede everyday functioning. In response to this societal need, trauma-informed nonprofits have emerged as beacons of hope. They provide invaluable support, understanding, and empowerment for those affected […]